Space cleansing
Let me start with a store, quite a long time ago there was a financial specialist, who traversed globe for his work extension. During his movement he generally remained in expensive accommodations.
On one occasion he had a conference outstation. After his long bustling day as he needed to travel again following day morning to another city, so he had himself looked at motel an extravagant lodging so he could rest well for subsequent day.
He got into his rooms, which was aromatic, relaxing, with all costly furnishings and arrangements. As expected, he completed his pending work, had dinner, spoke his family over telecall and went to bed.
Usually, after a hectic day he promptly uses to sleep off once hit the bed. Tragically, he just couldn’t rest throughout night. He felt so restless, something was simply not right.
Following day morning as he needed to travel once more, he got dressed and went to motel lobby to checkout. The staff causally inquired, “Sir, trust you had a relaxing stay?”. To that, the man answered, “appalling not! Everything was great; however, I just couldn’t rest throughout the evening. There seems to be something different in the room”.
The staff took a pause and answered, “Sir, few days ago, sadly there had been an unexpected demise of one of our visitors in a similar room!”
With this story, what do you get it? The energy with involving additionally impacts our self-energies.
Space cleaning typically refers to the practice of energetically purifying or clearing a physical space (of course one cannot do in hotel rooms) but can always be done at home, offices, or individual cabin room, to remove any negative energy or stagnant vibes.
Cleansing space can be done through various methods such as
- Fume: Burning incense sticks, burn camphor, allow the smoke to come through space while focusing on clearing negative energy.
You may also light up Himalayan pink salt lamp.
- Salt cleansing: A glass bowl filled with Himalayan pink salt or Epsom salt can be placed at corner of the rooms, entrance or at corner in toilets (toilets are to be considered as dim energy region). Change the slat bowl once in seven days by flushing the previous in running water. To make it aromatic, you may add few drops of essential oil as per your preferences. In prior days, individuals use to wipe their floor with salt water. You might do that by taking just a touch of salt in bucket full of water. However, do note, as once the floor become dry there will be slat stains allover.
- Using essential oils: Using diffusers such as fresh lilies, lavender, sandalwood or any other of your choice, can help purifying the air to create a calming atmosphere.
- Sound vibrations: Using sound vibrations from singing bowls, tuning forks or even bells to break up and clear stagnant energy in the space.
- Crystal cleansing: Placing crystals like selenite, black tourmaline, or clear quartz around the space to absorb and transmute negative energy.
Choose a method or combination of methods that resonate with you and your beliefs. Perform the cleansing ritual with intention and mindfulness. The goal is to create a more harmonious and balanced environment. Which would keep your home, office space filled with positivity.