Zen Moment

Contact Us! Feel connected to something greater than yourself. Be willing to see a world beyond your physical sight and life will become easier.

Trust in the Universe

At Soul Petrol, we are devoted to nurturing the Mind, Body, and Spirit. Our studio serves as a sacred space for those embarking on a journey of self-discovery and holistic well-being, founded on the principles of mindfulness, healing, and personal growth.

Soulpetrol offers Reiki therapy, Chakra energy healing, therapeutic sound bowl frequencies, emotional healing, past life memory sessions and more.

Request a meeting with me as your spiritual guide and connect with your inner selves, and explore your passions aligning to your higher purpose.

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  • Past Life Regression

    Therapy to reduce anxiety, stress & depression

  • Sound Healing

    Vibrational frequencies to calm brainwaves and lower your Blood Pressure

  • Reiki Healing

    A therapy to balance your Chakras, the Ying & Yang, the Chi

  • Attract and Manifest

    Health and abundance

  • Spiritual Energy Healing

    Improve Sleep Quality, integration of mind, body, and spirit.

In a world where modern life creates constant stress, it was vital for me to reconnect with myself and engage with life differently, Reiki & Sound therapy at Soulpetrol helped me with this.”

- Kavita Rao

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